My Parents Must Have Seriously Done Something to Me when I was Little

I went to an Honors thing last night and left feeling like I always do, slackerish and not smart. I vowed to stay up late and wake up early and get my homework DONE. Nothing like good ol' petty competition to get me motivated.

So I stayed up late and set my alarm to allot four hours of sleep. This makes it crucial to go to sleep right-away and not spend hours contemplating the meaning of life, what I'm wearing tomorrow, etc. You know what popped into my head as I laid down to sleep, needing, wanting, loving sleep? Those dog food commercials with the scurrying dog and he's thinking baconbaconbaconbaconbaconBACON! It's a commercial for bac'n bits I think. I really don't care enough (now) to look it up. He'll never know it's not bacon. Why would you not just give the dog the bacon? Not people bacon but dog bacon. They have to make it. They have cat food bacon. It's the only thing that poor dog desires. It really doesn't make any sense. You can make it into a treat if it's bad for them. Poor duped dog.

Also this morning (very early, mind you) I got up and headed towards the shower like I always do. As I was standing outside the bathroom door which is located off my locked bedroom in both my locked and alarmed apartment (complete with security guards) I got an overwhelming sense of fear. Of the boogeyman? Of a burglar? Mutant silverfish? I don't know. I had to physically psych myself up to put my arm in there and flip the light though. Goofy.

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