All of a Sudden I'm Doing "Stuff"

Last night I went over to Paul's for dinner because Holly was nice enough to invite me. Much fun was had, and I'm just glad nobody had a video camera because I was being a little dumb. Which was weird about yesterday, I made about 4 completely airheaded comments just at Paul's house, which is weird. Or maybe I'm always an airhead and I was just more self conscious. It didn't even take alcohol. Holly was still really nice about it though and didn't want to stop being my friend because of the airheaded comments, which is nice.

Later we all went to Holly's and played card games. Which I was the definite worst at, but it wasn't anything new.

Today I'm still in my pajamas. I wasn't going to shower and all that becauseI wanted to go work out, but I think I decided not to. My room is a mess and I just killed some weird bug like nest thing from my wall. Disturbing. Also, at 2:15 I'm going to go eat some chicken. Pray for me.

"Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience, for "The earth is the Lord's and everything in it." 1 Corinthians 10:25-26

I was reading my bible the day before yesterday (haha) and I read that verse. It's easy getting into a routine, and I realized I don't even know what I'm abstaining for meat for anymore anyways. It all just seems judgemental. Hopefully I won't spend all day throwing up.

Addendum: Today is the first day of operation: Quit Cussing, I just stepped on the bottom of a high heeled shoe and just said "ffffff." Go me!

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